Kim Taeyeon lahir di kota Jeonju,Jeolla Utara pada tanggal 9 Maret 1989. Ia terlatih dalam menyanyi dan menari. Taeyeon mulai dikenal dalam Kontes Terbaik Tahunan SM Entertainment ke-8 tahun 2004, memenangkan Juara Pertama Penyanyi Terbaik & Hadiah Utama dalam kontes tersebut.Kemudian, dia dibimbing di SM selama 5 tahun dan 3 bulan.Pada tahun 2004, ia tampil dalam lagu The One berjudul "You Bring Me Joy" sebelum memulai debut sebagai pemimpin Girls' Generation.Ia merupakan lulusan Jeonju Art High School tahun 2008 dan diberi penghargaanLifetime Achievement Award oleh sekolah tersebut. Pada tahun 2011 ia juga tampil dalam lagu The One yang bertajuk "Like A Star". Ia pernah berduet dengan Kangta rekan selabelnya SM Town dalam lagu yang berjudul "7989".
Rabu, 22 Mei 2013
Selasa, 21 Mei 2013
Fakta Unik Tentang Yuri SNSD
Ini dia fakta unik dari
Kwon Yuri SNSD yang mungkin kita belum sadari :
1. Arti dari nama Yuri adalah kaca.
2. Yuri saat remaja adalah gadis yang tomboy.
3. Seperti Taeyeon,yuri mempunyai kakak
laki-laki yg sangat mirip dengannya.
4. Ketika Yuri fokuskan pada sesuatu, dia
tidak memperdulikan hal lainnya.
5. Yuri menangis saat dia berbicara tentang
Tiffany yang sangat peduli padanya.
6. Yuri ingin bermain dengan Sooyoung pada
hari libur.
7. Yuri adalah anggota yang paling sering
memilki kebahagiaan diantara anggota SNSD dan yang mengatakan seperti itu
lebih dari 1 psikolog.
8. Di depan laki laki tampan,Yuri berubah
menjadi gadis feminim .
9. Yuri memiliki masa kanak-kanak yang nakal
(Shin Dongyup & Shin Bongsun – SNSD) Yuri tidak suka metematika.
10. Yuri pernah mengerjai Sunny dengan
menelpon ke radio yg dibawakan sunny hanya karena ia merindukan Sunny.
11. Yuri adalah anggota paling lambat dalam
belajar gerakan dance baru.
12. Walaupun yuri sering melakukan kesalahan,tapi
dia jarang sekali tertangkap kamera sedang melakukan kesalahan.
13. Ketika Yuri lupa liriknya di lagu “Honey”,
ia terus saja tersenyum ketika gilirannya.
14. Yuri adalah salah satu ‘shikshins’ di
15. Yuri memiliki badan yang sangat kurus
sebelum debu.
16. Menemani Tiffany menjadi MC di MBC Music
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan Jerawat
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan Jerawat dengan cepat memang sangat membantu apalagi anda sedang mengalaminya dan ingin segera membasminya. Jerawat sangat mengganggu karena membuat kita menjadi tidak percaya diri. Makanan yang dapat menyembuhkan jerawat :
1. Air Putih
Pasti Anda sering mendengar nasihat yang menyuruh minum air putih delapan gelas setiap hari. Ya, air putih memang sangat penting untuk kesehatan tubuh dan kulit. Air putih dapat membuang segala racun di tubuh, termasuk 'racun' yang menyebabkan jerawat. Jika Anda tidak suka minuman yang tidak memiliki rasa, Anda dapat menambah lemon atau daun mint ke dalam air mineral Anda.
2. Teh Hijau
Teh hijau kaya akan kandungan anti-inflamasi, yang disebut katekin. Katekin membantu mengurangi efek radikal bebas pada tubuh, seperti polusi, sinar matahari, asap rokok dan AC. Selain itu dapat mengatasi masalah jerawat dan tanda-tanda penuaan, seperti kerut dan noda wajah.
3. Timun
Sayuran dengan kandungan air tinggi seperti timun dipecaya baik untuk kulit berjerawat. Airnya berkhasiat membuang racun-racun yan menyumbat pori-pori. Ditambah lagi, ketimun memiliki efek astringent yang menyejukkan. Jadi efektif untuk meredakan iritasi dan kemerahan pada jerawat. Disarankan mengonsumsi satu buah ketimun setiap hari.
Itu dia tips cara menghilangkan jerawat semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian :D
Kaspersky AntiVirus 2013
Software anti-virus ini merupakan software anti virus berbayar yang memiliki keunggulan dalam hal perlindungan phishing dan penghapusan malware, serta instalasi yang mudah walaupun komputer sudah terinfeksi oleh virus. Bahkan jika ada file mencurigakan yang dapat berbahaya, Kaspersky akan secara otomatis me-upload file tersebut untuk dianalisis.
Kekurangan dari antivirus ini adalah tidak ada firewall personal, antispam, antibanner dan tool parent control. Tetapi antivirus ini dapat me-scan traffic messenger yang datang dan secara otomatis menghalau malware.
Samsung Galaxy S4
Setelah berhasil merajai pasar smartphone dengan seri-seri Galaxy S awal hingga Galaxy S III yang beberapa waktu lalu diluncurkan, kini Samsung kembali hadir dengan varian terbarunya Galaxy Samsung S 4 yang nampaknya akan mendapatkan sambutan yang hangat dari para penggemar gadget tanah air.
Samsung memang kini tengah gencar mengeluarkan seri-seri terbarunya guna kuasai pasar handphone dan smartphone dunia dan terus bisa bersaing dalam dunia pasar smartphone. Apple, yang mana kini tengah membayangi Samsung dengan berada satu peringkat di bawah Samsung untuk perolehan market-share ponsel dan smartphone siap menggeser posisi Samsung jika tak secara kontinyu melalukan inovasi terhadap produk-produknya. Apple yang dikabarkan akan segera merilis iPhone 5 pada bulan September mendatang pun segera ditantang oleh "seteru abadinya" Samsung yang akan menghadirkan Samsung Galaxy S4 ke pasaran.
Comodo AntiVirus 2013
Walaupun sebenarnya comodo antivirus edisi 2013 dalam package yang full sendiri belum ada, tetapi perluasan untuk antivirus sebelumnya telah dibuat, yakni Comodo Internet Security Pro 2013. Comodo mendapatkan award atas aplikasi Firewallnya dan ia memberikan perlindungan yangcukup kuat dan efisien terkait atas ancaman online seperti spam, virus, trojan dan malware. Salah satu software terbaik yang ditawarkan Comodo adalah Comodo Cleaning Essentials, yang dimana merupakan software antivirus portable jika komputer Anda tidak memperbolehkan instalasi antivirus karena terinfeksi virus.
AVG AntiVirus 2013
AVG Anti-Virus Free 2013 menawarkan pelindungan yag menyaingi produk-produk komersial lainnya, walaupun merupakan software anti-virus gratis. Kekurangannya adalah jika ia di-install pada komputer yang sudak terkena virus, walaupun begitu ia tetap melakukan pekerjaan yang baik. Jika Anda menginginkan perlindungan antivirus yang bagus dan gratis, ini adalah pilihan yang baik. Dikatakan yang terbaik dalam hal pencegahan malware tetapi dalam hal penghapusan malware mungkin berada dibawah norton dan bitdefender.
PSY Take Over USA
Since the release of GENTLEMAN MV during his Happening Concert on April 13. He started with appearance on Today's Morning Show and then his popularity took off! He even graced Howard presence for a lecture. In addition to performing on the "American Idol" finale stage broadcasted can be viewed here. PSY became one of the presenters at the “Billboard Music Awards” on the May 19th. Psy will then continue onto performing on the "Dancing with the Stars" (Season 16) finale stage on May 21 at 9pm EST! Psy will sing as part of the pre-match entertainment at Stadio Olimpico on May 26.
He is then to expand worldwide takeover to Canada, Psy will be co-hosting and performing at the 2013 MMVAs (Much Music Video Awards) on June 16. He is also rumored to set dates in Europe with one of the stops in Russia.
PSY is Park Jae-sang has become a worldwide sensation in 2012 with "Gangnam Style" MV. He has been an active performer since 1999 and is under YG Entertainment.
At the prestigious Shin Hwa High
School in Seoul, four boys comprise the group known
as the Flower Four. The creme de la creme of most powerful families from Korea, these spoiled, rebellious,
flirtatious and cruel boys rule the school. Enter Jan Di, a girl of humble
upbringing who is accepted into Shin Hwa on a swimming scholarship after
accidentally saving the life of a Shin Hwa student. Not one for following the rules
blindly, Jan Di faces immediate scrutiny from the entire school and in
particular the boys of the Flower Four and their leader, Goo Jun Pyo (Lee Min
Ho), who dislikes her instantly. Through her charm and undying optimism, she
slowly begins to capture the hearts of those around her, even the icy boys of
the F4.
2. Playful Kiss
adaptation of classic manga Itazura No Kiss, Playful Kiss is a warm, bubbly
drama about falling in love and growing up along the way. Oh Ha Ni, nicknamed
“Noah’s snail” by her father and friends for her ability to keep trying even
though she isn’t the brightest in the bunch, has one goal in mind: to capture
the heart of school genius, Baek Seung Jo. After harboring an all-consuming
crush for years, she finally gets up the courage to give him a letter
confessing her feelings. Seung Jo, an icy perfectionist, coldly rejects her.
When Ha Ni’s house is destroyed by an earthquake, she and her father move in
with an old family friend?none other than Seung Jo’s father. Now, Ha Ni and
Seung Jo must deal with the awkwardness of living under the same roof.
3. My Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed Fox
Cha Dae Woong is a spoiled brat with plans to become a
successful action star. One day, on the run from his rich grandfather’s latest
fit of rage towards him, he accidentally frees a nine-tailed fox, Gu Mi Ho, who
has been imprisoned in a painting for 500 years. Frightened at first, he runs
away to the woods and ends up getting seriously injured. Feeling indebted to
him, Gu Mi Ho gives him her ” fox orb ” a powerful part of her life force, to
heal him. When he wakes up, the two form an awkward partnership, as Dae Woong
begins to rely on the power of the orb to shoot his action sequences, while
also giving in to Mi Ho’s request to teach her how to act human. Though Dae
Woong is initially acting out of fear, things start to change as he gradually
begins to fall for her. However, Mi Ho will be faced with a terrible choice as
her time in human form runs out in this heart-wrenching comedy. My Girlfriend
is a Nine-Tailed Fox is a snappy, quirky, folklore-infused romantic drama about
a star-crossed couple played by actor/singer Lee Seung Gi and Shin Min Ah.
4. Personal Taste
Taste tells a story of confused love and sexuality. After being dumped by her
long-time boyfriend, Park Kae In, a furniture designer and daughter of a famous
architect, is convinced she will never love again. Enter Jeon Jin Ho, an architect
who needs to scout out her house for his latest business deal. After Kae In
assumes Jin Ho is gay during an early encounter, Jin Ho capitalizes on the
opportunity to pretend to be gay in order to move in with her. Once there, he
gradually embarks on a mission to make over the tomboy, but in the mayhem of
makeover and hiding his true orientation, he begins to fall for her. Lee Min Ho finally returns alongside
Son Ye Jin in this quirky series.
5. City Hunter
For Lee Min Ho fans, this intense,
beautifully shot romantic thriller loosely based on a manga of the same name by
Tsukasa Hojo, is a revenge drama done right. In 1983, 21 South Korean military
operatives are sent into North Korea on a secret mission. After completing
their mission, they are executed by their own side in a government cover-up.
The sole survivor, Lee Jin Pyo, watches as his closest friend dies beside him.
Taking his friend’s son under his wing, Jin Pyo raises him as his own and
trains him with one goal: to take revenge on the men responsible for this
massacre. Some twenty years later, a brilliant young man joins the
international communications team of the Blue House (Korea’s White House). Lee
Yoon Sung has but one mission in mind: to find and bring down the five men
responsible for the murder of his father. To do so, he must hide his identity
and fighting skills to infiltrate the government. During his quest for revenge,
however, he also enacts justice, and is given the nickname City Hunter by the
populace, who knows only of a shadowy figure exposing corruption in their city.
Torn between his surrogate father’s drive for vengeance and the innocent girl
he loves, Yoon Sung must fight to survive, and choose the path he will take.
5 Long Hair Style YOONA SNSD
1. Candid YOONA
Yoona hair still look pretty, The key addition to styling your hair is take good care of so you can have the hair look always healthy anytime anywhere.
2. Long Wavy
If you have straight hair and long, but already bored with this style, you can try to model wavy rarely like this. Straight hair that had fallen, could appear more volume.
3. feminine Hairstyle
With straight hair split edge like this, Yoona more feminine style. If you want to try this style, mix with sabrina vintage clothing to accentuate your elegance.
4. Pretty and Simple Hairstyle YOONA
By modifying a simple hair like this, Yoona able to show her girly side.
5. Straight Hairstyle
With straight hair style like this, the more impressed Yoona firm and mature. Occasionally it is necessary to explore the style of cute hairstyles and clothes are more mature.
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